2017.9—2022.6 中国科学院大学 管理科学与工程 博士
2013.9—2016.6 北京林业大学 自然保护区学 硕士
2009.9—2013.6 北京林业大学 资源环境与城乡规划管理 学士
2022.8 至今, 对外经济贸易大学 数字经济实验室 师资博后
(1) 中国博士后科学基金,双碳目标下碳减排政策组合的协同机制与最优组合研究,主持
(2) 国家杰出青年科学基金,实现碳中和目标的政策选择与成本收益研究,参与
(3) 国家自科基金面上项目,能效内生对碳市场价格波动的影响机理和路径研究,参与
(4) 国家自科基金面上项目,区域碳交易试点的运行机制及经济影响研究,参与
(5) 国家科技部重点研发计划,碳排放和减碳的社会经济代价研究,参与
(6) 国家自科基金应急管理项目,美国退出巴黎协定对全球气候治理的影响评估,参与
· Yawen Liu#, Qi Cui#, Yu Liu*, et al. Countermeasures against economic crisis from COVID-19 pandemic in China: An analysis of effectiveness and trade-offs[J]. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2021, 59: 482-495. (SSCI)
· Yawen Liu, Lingyu Yang, Jinzhu Zhang, et al. Aggravating effects of food export restrictions under climate change on food security: An analysis of rice economy based on alternative indicators[J]. Climate Change Economics, 2022, 2240006: 01-30. (SSCI)
· Yu Liu#*, Mingxi Du#, Qi Cui#, Jintai Lin*, Yawen Liu, et al. Contrasting Suitability and Ambition in Regional Carbon Mitigation. Nature Communications, 13(1), 4077. (SCI)
· Mingxi Du#, Lulu Chen#, Jintai Lin*, Yu Liu*, Kuishuang Feng, Qiuyu Liu, Yawen Liu, et al. Winners and losers of the Sino-US trade war from economic and environmental perspectives [J]. Environmental Research Letter, 2020, 15(9): 094032.(SCI)
· Jinzhu Zhang, Yu Liu*, Meifang Zhou, Boyang Chen, Yawen Liu, et al. Regulatory Effect of Improving Environmental Information Disclosure on Environmental Tax: From the Perspectives of Time and Industry Heterogeneity[J]. Energy Policy, 2022, 164: 112760. (SCI)
· Feng Wu, Yihan Wang, Yu Liu, Yawen Liu and Yali Zhang*. Simulated responses of global rice trade to variations in yield under climate change: Evidence from main rice-producing countries [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 275:124075.(SCI)
· Xuebiao Zhang, Yawen Liu, Yu Liu*, et al. Impacts of climate change on self-sufficiency of rice in China: A CGE model-based evidence with alternative regional feedback mechanisms[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 230: 150-161. (SCI)
· Yu Liu*, Xiaohong Hu, Feng Wu, Bin Chen*, Yawen Liu, et al. Quantitative analysis of climate change impact on Zhangye City's economy based on the perspective of surface runoff [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 105: 645-654.(SCI)
· Xu Zhao*, Martin R. Tillotson, Yawen Liu, et al. Index decomposition analysis of urban crop water footprint[J]. Ecological Modelling, 2017, 348: 25-32. (SCI)
· 柳雅文, 赵旭, 刘俊国*. 天津市最终产品本地用水量测度及其驱动机理研究[J]. 资源科学, 2016, 38(10):1913-1924. (CSSCI)
· 刘宇, 杨顺祥, 张金珠, 周梅芳, 柳雅文, 张伟. 环境信息披露质量改进对征收环境税的调节作用—基于中国环境CGE模型[J], 管理评论, 2023, 35(2): 2-15.(CSSCI)